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3 drills to develop handball defense skills

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Defense must always been the priority phase of the game in handball, whether man to man (girl to girl) or zone, it is important that your players master many skills : Harass, Deter, Intercept, Squeeze, To counter...

It is essential to give players clear guidelines on their positions and their actions before and during the duel.

Here are 3 drills that will help you to developp skills of your players in handball defense

Drill n°1 : Harras and cover

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Drill n°2 : Dissuade, intercept and press in handball defense

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Drill n°3 : Neutralize and control

This 3 drills are from the Ebook "25 drills to developp handball defense skills", You can find more Ebook on the website to help you in training.


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