We all know that practicing a physical activity like handball is good for your body, but did you know that it also has beneficial effects on the brain?
A lot of research has been done in recent years on the impact of sport on our brain, so I wanted to present to you here the benefits of practicing handball.
1. Maximum Joy
Eh yes ! Despite frustrations, defeats or other mishaps, according to Dr. Fabrice Joulia "When we carry out an activity that brings us a certain pleasure, we will release dopamine, otherwise known as the happiness hormone, in the brain" , he begins. "Some release it when they play video games, others when they listen to music. We also release it when we see the face of someone who attracts us but also when we practice a physical activity"
Remember all your victories...
You are probably wondering why? Well, quite simply because handball has the advantage of using all the muscles of the body, unlike many other sports!
Running, jumping, throwing, this solicits both posture and movement muscles. By playing, we therefore release muscle metabolism products in the blood in large enough quantities so that it has a greater impact on the brain, so much so that 15 minutes of handball a day is enough!!
2. Keep a youthful spirit
A study done on rodents shows that those who practiced regular physical activity had many more young neurons. In other words, that new neurons appeared thanks to the practice of a sports activity.
Place for young people!
"Until now, it was thought that our brain was growing until adolescence and that the neurons were gradually disappearing. In short, that we were undergoing irreversible aging of our nervous system. But a study recently published in the prestigious scientific journal 'Nature Medicine' showed that young neurons could be found in the hippocampus of the brains of adults and elderly people" reports Dr Joulia. Clearly, that the brain of the latter "rejuvenated".
3. Adapt faster
An Italian study published in the Italian journal Gene in 2019 showed that practicing physical activity - by releasing growth hormones and neurotrophins (small proteins secreted in the nervous system needed to keep nerve cells alive) - allowed, among other things, to increase the plasticity of the brain, or the ability of the brain to adapt.
Estelle NzeMinko adapts to all match situations
4. Better for genetics
Still according to Dr. Joulia, "The second thing highlighted by this study is the epigenetic effects of physical activity. Although we all have the same genes, they are not all expressed in the same way. And the practice of a physical activity will make it possible to modify the way in which the genes will be expressed and to make certain genes more effective.
Among them: the genes that facilitate the plasticity of the brain or certain brain functions, therefore. “This is what would explain that there are families of athletes. These modifications could be bequeathed to his descendants.
So you don't have to hesitate for a second, practicing handball regularly will have beneficial effects on your body, but also on your brain!