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Coach : how to handle criticism ?

A criticism often touches our ego. It can feel like a real psychological attack. It calls into question our work, our ideas or our mode of operation, for example.

It can therefore be very destructive... but also life-saving!

There are 2 main types of reviews

There is “positive” criticism, which will help you move forward and build, to progress, often done in a calm tone, in a calm environment.

There is the ''negative'' review. This is criticism in the form of a personal attack:

"you suck", "you'll never get there", ... They are often emitted in the event of conflicts, under the influence of emotion, they are difficult to accept.

How to react ?

First, we must take into account the person who is criticizing us. If it's a person who is always negative, who criticizes easily, a little impulsive, it will be very different from if this criticism comes from a very positive, very calm person...

Likewise, if the person is your boss, a friend, someone you don't know, or one of your players, the reaction will be different.

Then, we must try to understand the reason for this criticism. It is common to find that problems having absolutely nothing to do with what you are accused of may appear at such times.

It's up to you to read between the lines...

Should you react violently to a negative review?

It would be putting yourself on the level of the person who criticizes you. You have to be respected, for that, it is essential to know how to keep your cool and take a step back.

You have to react like a person who is confident.

Breathe and take the time to stabilize yourself emotionally before formulating a possible response.

I share with you this video of D.Laroche on the management of reviews. Even if I'm not a fan of this kind of videos, YouTube accounts... I find this one interesting and which reminds us of the essential points in the management of reviews :

We do what is called a "passionate" profession, in an environment (sport) which multiplies feelings (both positive and negative...) and sometimes leads to excess.

It is therefore important to take a step back from everything you can hear or read, regardless of the level at which you train.

Regularly I took notes on the criticisms that I could hear or read, and I took the time to come back to them a few days later to try to understand what was behind these criticisms.

Never forget that few people don't know exactly the context in which your team evolves, so it is important to clarify certain things when you exchange with someone in a constructive way and when you receive certain criticisms.


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