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HandbllCoach absent at the match, how to delegate to his assistant?

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Many coaches have to reconcile family obligations, work and handball activity. And of course there have been times when you couldn't be there on match day, for various reasons. The first thing to do – provided you know in advance that we will not be able to be on the bench on D-Day – is to announce it to the group at the start of the week. And to explain the reason, for the sake of honesty and transparency. In the event that this absence for the match goes hand in hand with the last weekly session, it is appropriate in my opinion to determine its theme in consultation with the staff, in order to begin to involve it fully. (this does not imply that the staff should not be involved for the rest of the sessions in normal times...)

With regard to the match itself, it seems essential to remind your players beforehand that, even if it is you who have chosen the starting 7, the instructions given and the words spoken by your assistant ) during the game will have the same importance as yours. It is also up to him/her to make the desired tactical adjustments depending on the course of the match.


Knowing how to delegate, one of Claude Onesta's strengths

No question of formally prohibiting him from doing this or that when we will not be present on the bench! It is a message of confidence to convey to both your staff and your players. The space of 60 minutes, you are simply no longer the coach of this team. And again, there is no question of intervening remotely, you will not have all the ins and outs of what is happening on the ground. Such behavior would be harmful, just as it would be inappropriate to take back the reins in the event of a return to the bench earlier than expected. Don't laugh, I've seen this before!! However, this does not prevent you from asking that we send you a short text message at half-time to keep you informed of what is going on...

Don't laugh, I've seen this before!!

Ultimately, even if temporarily "letting go" of your players remains heartbreaking for some, I think this is an opportunity to take a step forward in the collective project. And for good reason, the situation forces you to delegate and give your trust, which is not always easy to do for some, but it is nevertheless by doing this that you will succeed in involving everyone in the duration. We can draw a parallel here with the club project which must not be unilaterally linked to a person, but must be able to live and continue without it.

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This situation is an opportunity for the number one to demonstrate and strengthen his confidence in his staff and therefore, his deputy. This truth must go beyond the framework of this particular context, if the number one wishes to optimize the actions carried out directly by the members of his staff. The best in his field is Claude ONESTA! He has always said loud and clear that he delegates 100% to his assistants, and he is absolutely right. Who would want to be fully involved in an action if he knows that in the end his opinion will not count? The approach of the number one conditions the field of action and the level of responsibility of his deputy. His investment, his confidence, his ability to create new things, to be a source of proposals also depend on the climate created by the number one.

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With both children and adults, the assistant must go in the same direction as the n°1

On the other hand, the assistant must be faithful and supportive. He must assume the decisions taken collectively so that the staff, in its entirety, "comes as one" in front of the group. It's a form of cohesion! The players can enter into psychological games with the members of the staff and the latter must be able to defuse them to unite. These practices are in human nature: identifying and dealing with them are skills in their own right. They are to be registered on the panel of the "good" deputy...


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