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Jeux préparation physique handball jeunes

Top 3 best passing drills in handball

The simplest technical gesture, but which can be complex to do at times, the pass requires a lot of work before being mastered at your fingertips.

Its purpose is to move the ball of course, but also to overtake an opponent, a defense and can allow you to get out of any situation. Most of the time it must be done while remaining "dangerous towards the goal".

The pass is worked in different ways and it is essential to give it a lot of importance, especially in the youth categories such as U11, U13 or U15.

I give you here 3 passing exercises that you can adapt to most categories.

Passing work in a square with 1 player in the central sector

Very simple to set up but with endless variations. Work on short passes in movement

Description :

Mark out an 8x8m square and place 2 players in each corner. Then place a cup and a player in the center of the square, it will serve as a central pivot. The balloon source is located in one of the 4 corners of the square.

The exercise goes like this:

1. The exercice starts with a short pass from player A to player B on his left.

2. The latter will then play on the central player (C), who will put it back in one touch in the race of A.

3. Player A then plays directly on the 4th player (D) located in the opposite corner. The pivot player remains in place, A remains in the corner where he made the pass and B crosses the workshop diagonally. The series repeats on the opposite side.

Passing game at 4 against 4 with 2 jokers and passage of doors

I was inspired by football for this game of passing which already requires a certain mastery of the ball and the taking of information.

Description :

On a half court, arrange 4 gates as shown in the diagram and form 2 teams of 4 players, as well as 2 jokers. Also remember to keep balls with you so as not to waste time in the event of a ball exit and to maintain a high intensity.

The game starts with a pass from the coach to the orange team. The oranges will have to keep the ball using the 2 jokers while the 4 greens try to recover it. The goal of the orange team is to pass through one of the gates. However, they cannot pass through the same door twice in a row.

When the greens recover the ball, it is their turn to make a possession play to try to find a partner through a door.

Technical circuit / motor skills and pass work

We often work the pass on one side and the motricity workshops, dissociation on the other, why not combine the 2!!

Procedure :

Set up a technique/motricity circuit within a rectangle with a goal located at the end of the circuit. You will need cups, hedges and stakes. Place your players as shown in the diagram, with one player at each position (you can double each position depending on the number of players you have).

The ball leaves the goalkeeper who plays a short pass to the first player (A). A will then start in slalom on 3/4 meters, while the next player (B) will make a call to player A to ask for the ball. The first player will then make a pass to B who will work on the rhythm ladder by exchanging with C, then they change roles for the next round.

Once his pass has been made, player A will then pass over the hurdles on his left. For his part, the player who has just received the ball (B) will play a short pass on (D), who will have made a call beforehand. Then (D) sprints + duel to shoot the GB

Each player advances one position on the workshop for the next round

You can of course set up other workshops, see do more. Put this exercise on the level of your players

These 3 exercises can evolve ad infinitum (number of players, form of passes, space, time...) only your imagination limits them!

If you want to go further, set up passing situations that I have used on pole players, young French teams or pros, you will find more exercises in the Ebook "15 situations to work on passing handball"


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